My three teenaged children snickered when I told them I was creating my own blog. They can't believe I have anything worthwhile to say to the world. Evidently, my 16 year-old son has lots of important tidbits to share with everyone. He actively maintains a MySpace page as if it were the AP wire. His site is rich with photos featuring his surfing prowess and favorite music. Yet, he can't fathom who would ever read MY blog (especially when his site is soooo fine!).
Maybe he's right...maybe not.
No, this blog isn't about surfing or music. It's not even about leisure. This blog is dedicated to kids and teachers who want to have fun at school. This blog is about a philosophy of teaching and learning based on the idea that school should be fun. Fun teaches kids things they'll remember for a lifetime.
I seek ideas from teachers of all grades and all kids who have found ways to inspire kids to love learning. I also seek ideas from students or ex-students who fondly remember fun lessons at school. Whether it's a lesson or unit of lessons, a field trip across town or across the world; I want to hear about it. I'll share some of my favorite lessons...The Dance of the Molecules, The Big Bang, An Authors Point of View, Infinity Street. Most are lessons I've borrowed and modified over the years. I hope others will share their favorites too.
I've been a teacher for a long time. I've been a student for a long time too. I know (because I'm old now) that the best lessons feel like fun when they're happening. You can feel a great lesson, like a roller coaster ride or an ice cream cone. Those are the educational experiences I seek to add to my lesson book and hope to share on this blog.
Before you post, "Not every lesson at school can or should be fun," please know I agree. I often tell my students, "Everyone must clean the toilet now and then." Yet a lot of lessons that feel like you're cleaning the toilet don't have to feel so awful. More lessons should be fun and not enough are.
In our state standardized testing rules the schools. Though I'm an advocate of accountability and testing, I don't think standardized testing should suck the fun out of school. It is possible to teach standards and have fun, most of the time.
Well, that's about it for now. I'm anxious to hear if there is anyone out there who is interested in sharing. Maybe I'll even talk about surfing and music once in a while.