Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Distance Learning Project

I'm very excited to participate in a new project with a local distance learning program. Over the next eight weeks I'll be "virtually observing" a sixth grade language arts teacher and her students. I spoke with the teacher via Elluminate for over an hour on Monday night. Using this amazing technology (my first experience with it), we introduced ourselves, explored common areas of interest, and made plans to work collaboratively. My fifth grade gifted students and her sixth grade virtual students have a lot in common. We talked about blogging together and working on a newspaper club. What an amazing opportunity for two groups of kids and their teachers.
More later...Jeanne


Mark said...

Hi, Jeanne. That is very interesting you will be observing 6th grade language arts. That night was my first experience with Elluminate as well. What an interesting tool! Your collaboration ideas sound exciting. I'm really thankful for this opportunity with the virtual school. I cherish the opportunity to really apply what I have been learning throughout the ed tech program, even if only by observing and reflecting.

J-Lang said...


Being a high school English teacher I look forward to tracking your experience through your blog. I've had students who have had a variety of experiences in middle school language arts. The ones who have had the best teachers are often quite obvious. It makes me very grateful when I can go further with a students language skills because of all the hard work that their middle school teachers have done. Like you I am grateful and excited about having this opportunity to observe and learn from an actual virtual school "classroom." Elluminate definitely opened my eyes as well. Even though it's probably old news to many people. I said to myself "I've just seen the future, and it is good."

Wendy DG said...


I'm very interested to see if there is a difference between the design of the high school courses and that of the middle school courses. I'm also anxious to hear all about the middle school students and how they approach the lessons and assignments.
